A strong DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) policy is crucial for safeguarding your domain against email-based threats like phishing and spoofingSyntax: v=DMARC1; p=reject; sp=reject;...
Blogs Articles
Enhancing FrappeHR and ERPNext for Saudi Arabia
At Standard Touch, we've tailored FrappeHR and ERPNext specifically for the unique needs of businesses in Saudi Arabia. Our custom implementations include a comprehensive range of features designed to streamline HR and administrative tasks: Employee Self-Service (ESS)...
ZATCA E-Invoice Phase 2 Requirements & Implementation Through ERPNext
ZATCA E-Invoice Phase 2 Requirements & Implementation Through ERPNextRequirements:1. Data Collection: Ensure accurate collection of essential details like VAT ID, company name, and addresses. Compliance with data privacy and protection laws when handling sensitive...
How ERPNext is Transforming Healthcare Management
In the evolving realm of healthcare management, ERPNext stands as a cornerstone of innovation. This sophisticated ERPNext module redefines healthcare management by offering comprehensive solutions that enhance patient care and operational efficiency. Revolutionizing...